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Agriculture and rural policy since 1914

Greer, Alan


Alan Greer
Prog Director/ AP in Politics & Pub Plcy


Liam Kennedy

Philip Ollerenshaw


The chapter considers agriculture and rural policy in the six counties of Ulster that formed Northern Ireland after 1921. First, trends in the socio-economic structure
of the rural world are examined, considering changes in farm size, production patterns, and employment. Political developments and their infl uence, especially on prices and marketing, are discussed in two main periods: 1914–72, and 1972 to the present. This is interleaved with reflections about the political relationships between administrations in Belfast, London, and Dublin, and between government and farmers.

Publication Date Nov 22, 2012
Deposit Date Jan 7, 2013
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 275-290
Book Title Ulster Since 1600: Politics, Economy and Society
ISBN 978-0199583119
Keywords Northern Ireland, agriculture, rural, policy, politics
Public URL
Contract Date Jun 4, 2016