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Analysis of architects' demotivating factors in design firms

Oyedele, Lukumon O.; Oyedele, Lukumon


Lukumon O. Oyedele

Lukumon Oyedele
Professor in Enterprise & Project Management


The overall aim of this study is to identify factors that influence architects' demotivation in design firms. After a review of extant literatures in design management, project management, and organisational behaviour, a list of 43 demotivating criteria was produced and used in a questionnaire survey. Analyses included reliability analysis, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests, demotivation severity index (DSI) computation and exploratory factor analysis. Results show an underlying factor structure of seven demotivating factors that include 'organisational injustice', 'project induced stress', 'dysfunctional design team', 'poor interpersonal relationships', 'perceived career decline', 'negative leadership behaviours' and 'poor organisational culture'. Comparing these demotivational factors with motivational factors identified from previous related research, this study confirms that demotivation and motivation are on the same pole. In addition, what causes motivation or demotivation is a function of individual frame of reference. This implies that the presence or absence of a factor might cause motivation or demotivation depending on an individual frame of reference. Positive attention to the identified factors in relation to individual personality differences therefore helps to remove impediments that could affect employees' well-being such as being downcast, dispirited, depressed and despondent. The study would help directors and managers of design firms to develop a healthy workforce through recognition and eradication of the identified demotivating factors using some of the suggested solutions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Journal International Journal of Project Management
Print ISSN 0263-7863
Electronic ISSN 1873-4634
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 31
Issue 3
Pages 342-354
Keywords de-motivation, motivation, architect, design, design firm, project design, project management, organisational behaviour, design management, frame of reference
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