Dr Sarah Bodman Sarah.Bodman@uwe.ac.uk
Associate Professor
As Ulises Carrión stated in The New Art of Making Books in 1975: a book is a sequence of spaces. Over the last 36 years, the book as a physical space has undergone some dramatic changes in concept, format and reception. A book is still a sequence of spaces, a sequence of pages, but it is the container of those spaces that has altered. With the advances in digital technologies over the latter part of the 20th Century for computers and mobile phones, and more recently the iPad, iPod, Kindle and e-readers, the physical space of the book as artwork has also been offered an exciting new opportunity for viewing and interacting with its audience. The availability of publish-on-demand (POD), has also offered artists some new methods for creating and marketing their books. From an AHRC funded project (2008-2010): What will be the canon for the artist’s book in the 21st Century?, this chapter reflects on elements of the research and discussion, considering the possibilities for contemporary artists' books today. It looks at some examples of artists using both traditional and digital means of production, and how these artists have integrated new technologies into their creative practice.
Publication Date | Apr 1, 2013 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 7, 2019 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Pages | 121-143 |
Book Title | Entre ser um e ser mil: O objecto livro e suas poéticas |
ISBN | 9788539603596 |
Keywords | artists books, digital technologies,publish-on-demand |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/933057 |
Publisher URL | http://www.editorasenacsp.com.br/portal/produto.do?appAction=vwProdutoDetalhe&idProduto=21626 |
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