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Behaviour of water in jet fuel - A literature review

Repetto, S. L.; Baena-Zambrana, S.; Repetto, Sonia; Lawson, C. P.; Lam, J. K.W.


S. L. Repetto

S. Baena-Zambrana

Sonia Repetto

C. P. Lawson

J. K.W. Lam


This review gives a detailed account of the different types of water contaminated fuel and the conditions that bring about each form of contamination. It also considers studies that have been done to date that investigate the physics behind the behaviour of water in different hydrocarbons and jet fuel at low temperatures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

Journal Article Type Review
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Journal Progress in Aerospace Sciences
Print ISSN 0376-0421
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 60
Pages 35-44
Keywords aviation fuel, low temperatures, water, ice accretion, ice formation, fuel system
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