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Manipulation of inkjet negative/positive transparencies to manage the image reflectance density, tonal gradation and contrast of photogravure, platinum, carbon transfer and other photographic contact printing processes.

Moseley, Peter


Peter Moseley


Traditionally, positive transparencies for photogravure intaglio printing and negative transparencies for platinum and carbon-tissue transfer printing were produced from photographic film, providing continuous tone images of great detail, tonality and delicacy. Some of the finest photographic images in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were printed using these processes and over the last decade an increasing number of artists have been attracted to the expressive possibilities of these techniques.

Choice of film stock for the production of the necessary transparencies has become much more limited over recent years and digitally produced negatives and positives from image-setters and ink-jet printers are increasingly favoured. The production of transparencies of a modest quality using ink-jet printers and commercially available acetate film is not difficult. However, comprehensive calibration routines are necessary if full control over tonal gradation and print contrast is to be secured, especially in the highlight and shadow areas. Each type of photosensitive coating/process responds differently to the type and spectrum emissions of ultra-violet lamp used for exposure and to the nature of the transparency substrate and the colour/composition of the ink-jet printer inks. The ink colour and UV absorbance of the negative transparency, or positive in the case of photogravure, can be varied to give enhanced control over reflectance density, tonal gradation and micro-contrast in the final print.

This illustrated talk will compare different techniques for the production of and calibration of ink-jet transparencies and the requirements for control of tonal gradation and contrast in respect of platinum, photogravure, carbon transfer and other photographic contact printing processes. The talk is complemented by a conference exhibition of some of Peter Moseley’s photogravure portraits.

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Impact 8
Start Date Aug 28, 2013
End Date Sep 1, 2013
Publication Date Aug 1, 2013
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords photogravure, intaglio, printing
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Impact 8 International Printmaking Conference: A celebration of interdisciplinarity and exploration through the medium of print

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