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Economic investment by ant colonies in searches for better homes

Doran, Carolina; Pearce, Tom; Connor, Aaron; Schlegel, Thomas; Franklin, Elizabeth; Sendova-Franks, Ana B.; Franks, Nigel R.


Carolina Doran

Tom Pearce

Aaron Connor

Thomas Schlegel

Elizabeth Franklin

Ana B. Sendova-Franks

Nigel R. Franks


Organisms should invest more in gathering information when the pay-off from finding a profitable resource is likely to be greater. Here, we ask whether animal societies put more effort in scouting for a new nest when their current one is of low quality. We measured the scouting behaviour of Temnothorax albipennis ant colonies when they inhabit nest-sites with different combinations of desirable attributes. We show that the average probability of an ant scouting decreases significantly with an increase in the quality of the nest in which the colony currently resides. This means that the greater the potential gain from finding a new nest, the more effort a colony puts into gathering information regarding new nest-sites. Our results show, for the first time to our knowledge, the ability of animal societies to respond collectively to the quality of a resource they currently have at their disposal (e.g. current nest-site) and regulate appropriately their information gathering efforts for finding an alternative (e.g. a potentially better nest-site).

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 23, 2013
Journal Biology letters
Electronic ISSN 1744-957X
Publisher Royal Society, The
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 5
Pages 20130685
Keywords temnothorax albipennis, quality, decision-making, information gathering
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