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Impact of user data privacy management controls on mobile device investigations

Andriotis, Panagiotis; Tryfonas, Theo


Profile image of Panos Andriotis

Dr Panos Andriotis
Senior Lecturer in Computer Forensics and Security

Theo Tryfonas


Gilbert Peterson

Sujeet Shenoi


© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016. There are many different types of mobile device users, but most of them do not seek to expand the functionality of their smartphones and prefer to interact with them using predefined user profiles and settings. However, “power users” are always seeking opportunities to gain absolute control of their devices and expand their capabilities. For this reason, power users attempt to obtain “super user” privileges (root) or jailbreak their devices. Meanwhile, the “bring your own device” (BYOD) trend in the workplace and increased numbers of high profile users who demand enhanced data privacy and protection are changing the mobile device landscape. This chapter discusses variations of the Android operating system that attempt to bypass the limitations imposed by the previous Android permission model (up to version 5.1) and highlights the fact that forensic analysts will encounter devices with altered characteristics. Also, the chapter discusses the Android permission model introduced in the latest operating system (version M or 6.0) that will likely change the way users interact with apps.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date Jan 1, 2016
Journal IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Print ISSN 1868-4238
Electronic ISSN 1868-422X
Publisher Springer Verlag (Germany)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 484
Pages 89-105
Book Title Advances in Digital Forensics XII
ISBN 9783319462783
Keywords Android devices, privacy, trust, power users, anti-forensics
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