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Small engines as bottoming cycle steam expanders for internal combustion engines

Weerasinghe, Rohitha; Hounsham, Sandra

Small engines as bottoming cycle steam expanders for internal combustion engines Thumbnail


Sandra Hounsham


Heat recovery bottoming cycles for internal combustion engines have opened new avenues for research into small steam expanders [1]. Dependable data for small steam expanders will allow us to predict on their suitability as bottoming cycle engines and the fuel economy achieved by using them as bottoming cycles. Wankel Engines, with its lower resistance properties at small scale provide excellent contenders for bottoming cycle expanders. Present paper is based on results of experiments carried out on small scale Wankel and two stroke reciprocating engines as air expanders and as steam expanders. A test facility developed at Sussex used for measurements comprised of a torque, power and speed measurements, electronic actuation of valves, synchronized data acquisition of pressure and temperatures of steam and inside the engines for steam and internal combustion cycles. Results are presented for four engine modes, viz. reciprocating engine in uniflow steam expansion mode and air expansion mode, and rotary Wankel engine in steam expansion mode and air expansion mode. The air tests will provide base data for friction and motoring effects whereas steam tests will tell how effective will the engines be in this mode. Results for power, torque, and p-V diagrams are compared to determine the change in performance from air expansion mode to steam expansion mode.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 20, 2017
Publication Date May 31, 2017
Deposit Date Apr 24, 2017
Publicly Available Date Apr 24, 2017
Journal Journal of Combustion
Print ISSN 2090-1968
Electronic ISSN 2090-1976
Publisher Hindawi
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2017
Article Number 1742138
Keywords bottoming cycle Rankine heat recovery engines control steam expanders
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Apr 24, 2017


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