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Reportage Illustration: Visual Journalism

Embury, G; Minichiello, M


Profile image of Gary Embury

Gary Embury
Senior Lecturer in Illustration

M Minichiello


M Minichiello


The power of reportage drawing is in the immediacy of the images that are created and the feeling of the illustrator's presence on location. Comparable in some ways to photojournalism, reportage illustrators are acting as visual journalists, proactively creating narrative work about issues and subjects, translating what they witness into handmade imagery. There is evidence that illustrations connect to people in powerful ways whether they are drawings created while embedded with troops in Afghanistan, documenting during a courtroom trial or recreating the energy of the crowd at a rock concert. This area of applied illustration also provides career opportunities for students and takes them out of the classroom and into different environments and situations. With practical information about tools, techniques and coping in various situations as well as inspirational interviews and advice from reportage artists working in the field, this book will fill a gap in this growing market.

Publication Date Jan 11, 2018
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Book Title Reportage Illustration: Visual Journalism
ISBN 9781474224598
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Additional Information : Chloe is a case study of a reportage illustrator.
Corporate Creators : Bloomsbury

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