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Geothermal energy resources in Oman

Umar, Tariq

Geothermal energy resources in Oman Thumbnail


Profile image of Tariq Umar

Dr. Tariq Umar
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management


Oman's oil and gas reserves are comparatively low relative to those of other Gulf Co-operation Council member countries. This article explores the potential of using geothermal energy resources for electricity generation in Oman. Geothermal energy is counted as a type of renewable energy, which means its availability is not affected by the lack of source and the increasing price of fossil oil. The review of geothermal energy shows that the cost of electricity generation and the emission of greenhouses gases are comparatively lower than for other forms of renewable energy resources. Different types of geothermal plants are discussed with reference to the required temperature for operation of these plants. Binary cycle geothermal power plants are used for low-temperature applications (85?175?C). The temperature of 53 boreholes in Oman is more than 100?C, meaning they can be used in binary geothermal plants for electricity generation. The maximum temperature (173?68?C) is at Petroleum Development Oman well ?Makarem-I? located in the northern part of Oman. There is opportunity for Oman to adopt renewable energy resources and explore the potential of geothermal in more detail. This will help the country to reduce its dependency on oil and gas and compete in the region towards adopting renewable energy.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 12, 2017
Online Publication Date Jan 18, 2018
Publication Date 2018-02
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2022
Publicly Available Date Feb 22, 2022
Journal Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy
Print ISSN 1751-4223
Electronic ISSN 1751-4231
Publisher Thomas Telford
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 171
Issue 1
Pages 37-43
Keywords energy; fossil fuels; natural resources
Public URL
Publisher URL


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