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'Betwixt and between': Women's experiences of breastfeeding long-term

Dowling, Sally


Sally Dowling
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CHSS - AHP


David Pontin

Kate Boyer


This chapter draws on my research with women who breastfeed for longer than is usual in the UK, where a minority of women are still breastfeeding at six months and an unknown number breastfeed into the second year and beyone (McAndrew et al, 2012). The anthropological concept of liminality (being 'neither one thing nor another') is used to explore and understand their experiences. This chapter takes ideas about liminality and relates them to breastfeeding long-term, discussing how they might help those working in this area to support more mothers to breastfeed for longer. It briefly outlines what is known about long-term breastfeeding from previous research and explains the concept of liminality.

Publication Date Sep 5, 2018
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 55-70
Book Title Social experiences of breastfeeding: Buliding bridges between research, policy and practice
ISBN 9781447338505
Keywords breastfeeding long-term, liminality
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