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Charging surface

Worgan, Paul; Collett, Michael; Omirou, Themis; Sutton, Matt


Paul Worgan
Lecturer in Mechotronics

Michael Collett

Themis Omirou

Matt Sutton


This patent relates to a charging surface capable of charging multiple portable electronic devices with an internal energy store.

Today we are using multiple portable electronic devices, such as smartphones and smartwatches, each of which requires the internal energy store to be replenished from a charging source for continued operation. Typically, each device requires a bespoke charger and user intervention to plug or unplug a cable. In the case of inductive charging, the user is often required to align their device with the charging mat to ensure power transfer.

The invention comprises a charging surface capable of moving a proximity based power transfer method, such as an inductive power transfer coil, across the surface and allowing multiple devices to be located and charged, all without further user intervention.

Acceptance Date Nov 16, 2021
Deposit Date Dec 20, 2021
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