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A new approach to delivering fisheries management in English European marine sites

Solandt, Jean-Luc; Luk, Sandy; Gregson, S; Moore, Melissa; Appleby, Thomas


Jean-Luc Solandt

Sandy Luk

S Gregson

Melissa Moore


Management of potentially damaging projects in Eu marine protected areas - so-called Natura 2000 Sites - are meant to be subject to strict protection measures. Despite this, up until 2012, there was no strategic approach across the UK to regulate potentially damaging fishing in sites, regardless of case law, or the implications of damage from certain fishing gears (e.g. bottom trawls and scallop dredgers). The UK Government has recently revised its approach to how it implements Article 6 of the Habitats Directive with respect to fisheries in England which has led to a new scientific risk-based approach to managing potentially damaging fishing activities. delivery of management has involved regulators, NGOs, government offices, statutory nature conservation agencies and fishing interests collaboratively populating a scientifically populated \'risk matrix\'. Regulators are now managing sites pro-actively by bringing into force local by-laws and permitting arrangements that restrict potentially damaging fishing. The work shows the ability for a number of different stakeholders to engage with improving the implementation of a law which is now over 20 years old, but which has generally been poorly implemented in the marine environment. It is an example of progressive protection that makes the marine Natura 2000 network more effective in achieving its conservation goals.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name International Marine Conservation Congress
Start Date Aug 14, 2014
End Date Aug 18, 2014
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords fish, marine conservation, European law, habitats, directive site, SAC, SPA, EMS, MPA
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : International Marine Conservation Congress 2014