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Mechanical properties and microstructure of thin plates of A6061 wrought aluminum alloy using rheology forging process with electromagnetic stirring

Jin, Chul Kyu; Bolouri, Amir; Kang, Chung Gil


Chul Kyu Jin

Amir Bolouri
Associate Professor in Manufacturing

Chung Gil Kang


We propose the possibility of fabricating A6061 thin plates using the rheology forging process. Electromagnetic stirring (EMS) is used to fabricate a semi-solid slurry. A thin plate is formed by injecting the slurry into the forging die. When the punch speed used to compress the slurry is low, turbulent flow occurs. When the punch speed is high, laminar flow occurs, and the solid and liquid phases move simultaneously. For a pressure of 150 MPa or below, incomplete filling behavior and cracks occur. For a pressure of 200 MPa or above, a durable formed product can be obtained. However, the differences between the mechanical properties according to the application of EMS and pressure are slight. The microstructure of the slurry without EMS has an unclear distinction between the liquid phase and solid phase. However, the microstructure of the thin plates formed by using this slurry has a clear distinction between the liquid and solid with respect to the spheroid shapes. The tensile strength and elongation for a thin plate formed with a punch speed of 300 mm/s and pressure of 250 MPa with EMS slurry are 169 MPa and 11.0 pct, respectively. After T6 heat treatment, the tensile strength improves to 305 MPa. © 2013 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Acceptance Date Dec 3, 2013
Online Publication Date Dec 3, 2013
Publication Date Jan 1, 2014
Journal Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science
Print ISSN 1073-5615
Electronic ISSN 1543-1916
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 45
Issue 3
Pages 1068-1080
Keywords thin plates, A6061, rheology forging process. electromagnetic stirring
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