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Place-based leadership beyond place: The rise of international city diplomacy

Hambleton, Robin



Markku Sotarauta

Andrew Beer


A consequence of globalisation is that place-less leaders, meaning people who are not expected to care about the consequences of their decisions for particular places and communities, have gained extraordinary power and influence. This chapter examines the way various structural forces shape the political space available to city and city region leaders. A conceptual framework, New Civic Leadership, is presented. This aims to throw light on the way local leaders co-create new solutions to public problems by uniting the efforts of the various realms of leadership found within a place. Attention then turns to consider the reasons why city and regional leaders are becoming increasingly active in international city-to-city networking, learning and exchange. A discussion of the emergence and development of two relatively new international city groupings, the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) and the Mayors Migration Council (MMC), helps to identify challenges and insights for leadership ‘beyond place’ and, more specifically, the potential of city diplomacy for advancing the power of place in the modern world.

Publication Date Feb 22, 2021
Deposit Date Feb 22, 2021
Pages 131-151
Series Title Research Handbooks in Urban Studies
Book Title Handbook on City and Regional Leadership
Chapter Number 8
ISBN 9781788979672
Keywords city diplomacy; city leadership; international networking; place-less power
Public URL
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Contract Date Apr 17, 2020