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Reimagining parental engagement in special schools–a practice theoretical approach

Spear, Sara; Spotswood, Fiona; Goodall, Janet; Warren, Stella

Reimagining parental engagement in special schools–a practice theoretical approach Thumbnail


Sara Spear

Fiona Spotswood

Janet Goodall


Parental engagement is widely acknowledged to have a positive impact on children’s achievement, and interventions to increase parental engagement have had some success in improving educational outcomes for children in mainstream settings. However, there has been little research on parental engagement in special schools, despite some studies indicating that the challenges of parenting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can negatively impact parental engagement. Understanding and supporting parental engagement in this context is therefore an important area for research and intervention, to provide the same opportunities for enhancing outcomes for children with SEND. This paper reports on research with two special schools, using theories of practice to understand parental engagement. A practice theory framing diverts from an individualist or responsibilising conceptualisation of parental engagement and instead takes practices and practice architectures as the unit of enquiry, and by implication as sites of intervention. Based on data from focus groups with 129 school staff and depth interviews with 26 parents, our analysis illustrates the opportunities and challenges for special schools in fostering a practice architecture supportive of parental engagement, and highlights the importance of effective mechanisms for interaction between actors, in order to connect the practices performed at home, with practices performed at school. This offers a wide range of practices and connections between them as potential sites of intervention for special schools seeking to support parental engagement and drive beneficial outcomes for children.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 5, 2021
Online Publication Date Feb 12, 2021
Publication Date 2022-10
Deposit Date Feb 16, 2021
Publicly Available Date Aug 13, 2022
Journal Educational Review
Print ISSN 0013-1911
Electronic ISSN 1465-3397
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 74
Issue 7
Pages 1243-1263
Keywords Parental engagement, parental involvement, practice architecture, practice theory, special education
Public URL
Publisher URL


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