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Effects of shot peening and artificial surface defects on fatigue properties of 50CrV4 steel

Saklakoglu, Nursen; Bolouri, Amir; Irizalp, Simge Gencalp; Baris, Fatih; Elmas, Ali

Effects of shot peening and artificial surface defects on fatigue properties of 50CrV4 steel Thumbnail


Nursen Saklakoglu

Amir Bolouri
Associate Professor in Manufacturing

Simge Gencalp Irizalp

Fatih Baris

Ali Elmas


Shot peening processes are commonly used for improving the fatigue properties of steels. Shot peening introduces a compressive residual stress field in the near surface of steel, which can reduce or stop the growth of fatigue cracks and improve fatigue properties. This study experimentally investigated the effect of shot peening on the fatigue properties of 50CrV4 steel alloys with different artificial surface defects. Drilling tools were used to introduce different artificial defects with root radii of 0.585 mm and 0.895 mm on the surface of unpeened samples. The shot peening was applied to the drilled and undrilled samples. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, micro-hardness and X-ray diffraction residual stress measurements were conducted to analyse the characteristics of the shot-peened and unpeened samples. The results show that the shot peening leads to the transformation of the retained austenite to martensite in the near-surface microstructure. The hardness rates of the surface and near surface both increase by 8% after the shot peening. The peened samples exhibit compressive residual stresses with a high degree of isotropy in the near surface. The fatigue properties of samples were experimentally evaluated by conducting 3-point bending tests. The results indicate that the shot peening improves the fatigue life of drilled and undrilled samples. For the defects with the root radius of 0.895 mm, the shot peening leads to a 500% improvement in the fatigue life compared to unpeened samples regardless of defect depth. For the defects with the root radius of 0.585 mm, the improvement in fatigue life is 40% for the defect depth of 0.2 mm compared to unpeened samples. The improvement increases to 60% and 200% by increasing the defect depths to 0.4 mm and 0.6 mm. The fatigue properties are linked to the changes in the features of defects mainly caused by the deformation hardening and compressive residual stress after shot peening.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 12, 2020
Online Publication Date Jan 11, 2021
Publication Date Jan 11, 2021
Deposit Date Dec 14, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 26, 2021
Journal International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Print ISSN 0268-3768
Electronic ISSN 1433-3015
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 112
Pages 2961–2970
Keywords Fatigue life; 50CrV4 steel; Shot peening; Artificial defect
Public URL


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