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Multifunctional graphene-based wearable e-textiles

Karim, Nazmul; Afroj, Shaila; Islam, Mohammad Hamidul


Nazmul Karim

Shaila Afroj

Mohammad Hamidul Islam


Wearable electronics is becoming increasingly very popular since such technology makes life safer, healthier and more comfortable. Among them, smart wearable textiles have been going through significant evolutions in recent years, through the innovation of wearable electronics, and due to their miniaturization and the wireless revolution. This has resulted in personalized wearable garments that can interface with the human body and continuously monitor, collect, and communicate various physiological parameters such as temperature, humidity, heart rate, and activity monitoring. Such a platform would potentially provide a solution to the overburdened healthcare system resulting from a rapidly growing aging society, as well as maintaining and encouraging healthy and independent living for all, irrelevant of time and location. However, current technologies for wearable garments are associated with a number of challenges that other electronic technologies do not face, such as the complex and time-consuming manufacturing process of e-textiles and the use of expensive, non-biodegradable, and unstable metallic conductive materials.

Graphene is considered to be promising materials for next‐generation wearable electronic applications, due to its outstanding electrical, mechanical, and other performance properties. However most of the previously reported graphene-based textiles require time-consuming and multi-stage manufacturing processes which are neither scalable nor suitable for large scale production. Additionally, many of them suffer from poor electrical conductivity, washability and flexibility. Therefore, we have been focusing on developing simple, scalable and sustainable process of fabricating graphene-based textile via industrial yarn dyeing, padding, screen printing and inkjet printing, techniques for multifunctional, non-toxic, machine washable smart wearable e-textiles applications. We then demonstrated various application of such graphene textiles for various applications such as supercapacitor, ECG device, activity monitoring device, eye tracker, temperature sensor and flexible heating elements.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronics Textiles
Start Date Nov 3, 2020
End Date Nov 4, 2020
Deposit Date Nov 6, 2020
Edition 2nd
Public URL