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Covid-19 Care – A mobile application to help connect volunteers and vulnerable people in the community during the Covid-19 lockdown

Ogunshile, Emmanuel; Phung, Khoa; Odongo, Silas

Covid-19 Care – A mobile application to help connect volunteers and vulnerable people in the community during the Covid-19 lockdown Thumbnail


Profile image of Emmanuel Ogunshile

Dr Emmanuel Ogunshile
Programme Leader for BSc(Hons) Data Science & PhD Director of Studies

Khoa Phung

Silas Odongo


Whenever the world is faced with a devastating outbreak of events, technology innovations have proven to be a go to solution that expedite the recovery process. We propose a mobile application rapidly developed as a contender to the TechForce19 innovation challenge, a backing of the NHSX [35] offering £500, 000 to innovators to develop digital solutions for supporting vulnerable in the community during the coronavirus outbreak. Our solution would allow people who are in self-isolation to ask for help and enable a fast, secure support by the community within 15 miles radius. The solution would allow volunteers to recognize the precise need in the community and how they can support. We briefly describe and reflect about the pandemic in the world with a focus on UK as an Introduction. The Background is a summary of related work from other researchers and innovators to support the community overcome the virus. The motivation for the solution is highlighted under Problem statement shadowed by Proposed solution, Requirement elicitation, Implementation, Evaluation and discussions, and Conclusion.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name CONISOFT 2020 : IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Innovation
Start Date Nov 4, 2020
End Date Nov 6, 2020
Acceptance Date Jul 10, 2020
Online Publication Date Dec 31, 2020
Deposit Date Jul 15, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 1, 2021
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Pages 124-133
Book Title 2020 8th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT)
ISBN 9781728184517
Keywords Innovations; coronavirus; covid-19; sars-cov-2; remote-social support; self-isolation; need; help; technologies; transformation; infectious
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Covid-19 Care – A mobile application to help connect volunteers and vulnerable people in the community during the Covid-19 lockdown (554 Kb)


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