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The visual design of network data to enhance cyber security awareness of the everyday internet user

Carroll, Fiona; Legg, Phil; B�nkel, Bastian

The visual design of network data to enhance cyber security awareness of the everyday internet user Thumbnail


Fiona Carroll
Occasional Associate Lecturer - FET CSCT

Bastian B�nkel


Technology and the use of online services are very prevalent across much of our everyday lives. As our digital interactions continue to grow, there is a need to improve public awareness of the risks to our personal online privacy and security. Designing for cyber security awareness has never been so important. In this work, we consider people's current impressions towards their privacy and security online. We also explore how abnormal network activity data can be visually conveyed to afford a heightened cyber security awareness. In detail, the paper documents the different effects of visual variables in an edge and node DoS visualisation to depict abnormally high volumes of traffic. The results from two studies show that people are generally becoming more concerned about their privacy and security online. Moreover, we have found that the more focus based visual techniques (i.e. blur) and geometry-based techniques (i.e. jaggedness and sketchiness) afford stronger impressions of uncertainty from abnormally high volumes of network traffic. In terms of security, these impressions and feelings alert in the end-user that something is not quite as it should be and hence develop a heightened cyber security awareness.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name IEEE International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (Cyber Science 2020)
Start Date Jun 15, 2020
End Date Jun 19, 2020
Deposit Date May 17, 2020
Publicly Available Date May 18, 2020
Public URL
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