Justin Stoler
Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low- and middle-income countries
Stoler, Justin; Pearson, Amber L.; Staddon, Chad; Wutich, Amber; Mack, Elizabeth; Brewis, Alexandra; Rosinger, Asher Y.; Adams, Ellis; Ahmed, Jam Farooq; Alexander, Mallika; Balogun, Mobolanle; Boivin, Michael; Carrillo, Genny; Chapman, Kelly; Cole, Stroma; Collins, Shalean M.; Escobar-Vargas, Jorge; Freeman, Matthew; Asiki, Gershim; Ghattas, Hala; Hagaman, Ashley; Jamaluddine, Zeina; Jepson, Wendy; Maes, Kenneth; Mathad, Jyoti; Mbullo, Patrick; Melgar-Quiñonez, Hugo; Miller, Joshua; Niesluchowski, Monet; Omidvar, Nasrin; Samayoa-Figueroa, Luisa; Sánchez-Rodríguez, E. Cuauhtemoc; Santoso, Marianne V.; Schuster, Roseanne C.; Sullivan, Andrea; Tesfaye, Yihenew; Triviño, Nathaly; Trowell, Alex; Tshala-Katumbay, Desire; Tutu, Raymond A.; Young, Sera L.; Zinab, Hassan
Amber L. Pearson
Chad Staddon Chad.Staddon@uwe.ac.uk
Professor/Associate Head of Department: Research and Scholarship
Amber Wutich
Elizabeth Mack
Alexandra Brewis
Asher Y. Rosinger
Ellis Adams
Jam Farooq Ahmed
Mallika Alexander
Mobolanle Balogun
Michael Boivin
Genny Carrillo
Kelly Chapman
Stroma Cole Stroma.Cole@uwe.ac.uk
Occasional Associate Lecturer - FET GEM
Shalean M. Collins
Jorge Escobar-Vargas
Matthew Freeman
Gershim Asiki
Hala Ghattas
Ashley Hagaman
Zeina Jamaluddine
Wendy Jepson
Kenneth Maes
Jyoti Mathad
Patrick Mbullo
Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez
Joshua Miller
Monet Niesluchowski
Nasrin Omidvar
Luisa Samayoa-Figueroa
E. Cuauhtemoc Sánchez-Rodríguez
Marianne V. Santoso
Roseanne C. Schuster
Andrea Sullivan
Yihenew Tesfaye
Nathaly Triviño
Alex Trowell
Desire Tshala-Katumbay
Raymond A. Tutu
Sera L. Young
Hassan Zinab
Billions of people globally, living with various degrees of water insecurity, obtain their household and drinking water from diverse sources that can absorb a disproportionate amount of a household's income. In theory, there are income and expenditure thresholds associated with effective mitigation of household water insecurity, but there is little empirical research about these mechanisms and thresholds in low- and middle-income settings. This study used data from 3655 households from 23 water-insecure sites in 20 countries to explore the relationship between cash water expenditures (measured as a Z-score, percent of income, and Z-score of percent of income) and a household water insecurity score, and whether income moderated that relationship. We also assessed whether water expenditures moderated the relationships between water insecurity and both food insecurity and perceived stress. Using tobit mixed effects regression models, we observed a positive association between multiple measures of water expenditures and a household water insecurity score, controlling for demographic characteristics and accounting for clustering within neighborhoods and study sites. The positive relationships between water expenditures and water insecurity persisted even when adjusted for income, while income was independently negatively associated with water insecurity. Water expenditures were also positively associated with food insecurity and perceived stress. These results underscore the complex relationships between water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress and suggest that water infrastructure interventions that increase water costs to households without anti-poverty and income generation interventions will likely exacerbate experiences of household water insecurity, especially for the lowest-income households.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Nov 30, 2019 |
Online Publication Date | Dec 2, 2019 |
Publication Date | May 10, 2020 |
Deposit Date | Feb 3, 2020 |
Publicly Available Date | Dec 3, 2020 |
Journal | Science of The Total Environment |
Print ISSN | 0048-9697 |
Electronic ISSN | 1879-1026 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 716 |
Article Number | 135881 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135881 |
Keywords | Environmental Engineering; Waste Management and Disposal; Pollution; Environmental Chemistry; Water insecurity; Water economics; Food insecurity; Global south; Perceived stress; Mental health |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/4755580 |
Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low- and middle-income countries
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Copyright Statement
This is the author’s accepted manuscript. The published version can be found on the publishers website here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135881
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