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Predicting the effects of low dose-rate ionizing radiation on redox potential in plant cells

Caplin, Nicol; Willey, Neil


Nicol Caplin

Neil Willey
Professor in Env Plant Physiology



During exposure of cells to acute high dose-rate ionizing radiation (IR), oxidants from the radiolysis of water can overwhelm antioxidant systems. Protecting flora from the effects of IR released from a nuclear industry of increasing global significance and managing the growth of plants during space flight both necessitate estimating the effects of chronic low dose-rate exposure to IR. In contrast to effects at acute high-dose rates, under chronic low dose-rate exposure it is subtle, progressive, long-term effects on antioxidant systems that it is important to estimate. Here, we outline a method that combines biochemical measurement and mathematical modeling to predict the effects of chronic low dose-rate IR on redox potential in plant cells over time.

Online Publication Date May 31, 2019
Publication Date May 31, 2019
Deposit Date Nov 15, 2019
Pages 135-142
Series Title Methods in Molecular Biology
Series Number 1990
Series ISSN 1064-3745
Book Title Redox-Mediated Signal Transduction
ISBN 9781493994618
Public URL
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