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Attributes of leadership for planning resilient cities in the Global South

Gopinath, Deepak



This paper aims to advance a new approach to the intersections of place, resilience and leadership particularly within the context of rapidly urbanising cities in the Global South. More generally, we know that a leader could be characterised by key attributes, such as public oratory, webs of reciprocity and the ability to amass and distribute goods (Sahlins, 1963; Bankoff, 2015). Others such as Lindstrom (1984) have called for a shift arguing instead that leaders are more about controlling knowledge rather than wealth, However, in the face of limited control over resources due to the rescaling of the state and unfolding of processes shaped through global capitalist social relations, what can/should local leaders do? More importantly, how might local leaders function as ‘agents of change’ for ‘others’ in the local community, by “nurturing sources of resilience for renewal and reorganisation” (Berkes et al 2003; Folke 2005: 452)?

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name UK Ireland Planning Research Conference
Start Date Sep 2, 2019
End Date Sep 4, 2019
Deposit Date Nov 14, 2019
Public URL