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Impact of glucocorticoids on patients’ quality of life: A qualitative study assessing face validity and feasibility of the Steroid PRO in patients with inflammatory gastroenterology, respiratory and dermatology conditions

Sweeney, Anne-Marie T; Bridgewater, Susan; Orme, Jen; Sattui, Sebastian E; Sharp, Michelle; Richards, Pamela; Silverthorne, Christine A; Arthurs, Elizabeth; Creed, Tom; Osborne, Genevieve; Dunhill, Giles; Dawson, Jill; Dures, Emma; Barratt, Shaney L; Ramonell, Richard P; Patton, Timothy; Goodman, Susan M; Hill, Catherine L; Mackie, Sarah L; Ndosi, Mwidimi; Robson, Joanna C

Impact of glucocorticoids on patients’ quality of life: A qualitative study assessing face validity and feasibility of the Steroid PRO in patients with inflammatory gastroenterology, respiratory and dermatology conditions Thumbnail


Anne-Marie T Sweeney

Jen Orme

Sebastian E Sattui

Michelle Sharp

Pamela Richards

Christine A Silverthorne

Elizabeth Arthurs

Tom Creed

Genevieve Osborne

Giles Dunhill

Jill Dawson

Emma Dures
Professor in Rheumatology and Self-management

Shaney L Barratt

Richard P Ramonell

Timothy Patton

Susan M Goodman

Catherine L Hill

Sarah L Mackie

Profile image of Mwidimi Ndosi

Dr Mwidimi Ndosi
Associate Professor in Rheumatology Nursing

Jo Robson
Consultant Associate Professor in Rheumatology


Objectives The Steroid PRO is a treatment-specific patient-reported outcome questionnaire which measures the impact of glucocorticoids on health-related quality of life. It has 15 items grouped into 4 domains (Social impact, Impact on Appearance, Psychological Impact and Treatment Concerns). Initially developed and validated in rheumatic diseases, the Steroid PRO demonstrates potential for broader application in patients with other inflammatory conditions. The objective of this study was to assess face validity, content validity and feasibility of the Steroid PRO in (1) patients treated with glucocorticoids for inflammatory respiratory, dermatological and gastroenterological conditions and (2) clinicians working within these specialties in the UK and USA.

Design Qualitative study with semistructured cognitive interview methods.

Setting Online or face-to-face interviews with participants from seven departments across three secondary care hospitals in the UK and USA.

Participants Inclusion criteria: (1) Adult patients with inflammatory respiratory, gastroenterological and dermatological conditions treated with glucocorticoids and (2) healthcare professionals (HCPs) working in respiratory, dermatology and gastroenterology departments in the UK and USA.

Results Purposive sampling to ensure a range of patient and HCP participants. A total of 42 patient participants were recruited, from respiratory/pulmonology (n=14, 33.3%), dermatology (n=13, 31.0%) and gastroenterology (n=15, 35.8%) medical departments; 32 in the UK and 10 from the USA. Mean age 48.2 years (range 22–71) and 19 (45.2%) were female. Patient participants had a range of inflammatory lung, skin and bowel conditions, with a spectrum of demographics and patterns of glucocorticoid use. 14 HCPs participated from the UK (9) and USA (5). Face validity: 97% (30/31) patients and 100% (14/14) HCPs reported the Steroid PRO was ‘relevant or very relevant’ to them and their disease. Feasibility: 97% (30/31) patients and 100% (14/14) HCPs reported the Steroid PRO was ‘easy or very easy to complete’. Patients reported that the four domains of the Steroid PRO had relevance to them and that it was validating to see their concerns represented: ‘It’s obvious you guys know what you’re talking about—these are my issues. It’s very validating when you realise it’s not just you. These problems are real and they matter.… These are not questions my doctor asks me about. Doctors never ask about psychosocial aspects. It would be really great if they used this’ (female patient with asthma). Patients and clinicians felt the Steroid PRO would be suitable for use in clinical practice within their specialties and would aid in understanding of the impact of glucocorticoids.

Conclusions The Steroid PRO demonstrated face validity and content validity for assessing the impact of glucocorticoids in patients with inflammatory respiratory, gastroenterological and dermatological conditions. Additionally, the feasibility of using the Steroid PRO with both patients and HCPs has been established. Future work should include quantitative testing of the Steroid PRO as an outcome measure within clinical trials in these conditions.

Trial registration number NCT06314451.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 20, 2025
Online Publication Date Feb 5, 2025
Publication Date Feb 5, 2025
Deposit Date Feb 7, 2025
Publicly Available Date Feb 7, 2025
Journal BMJ Open
Electronic ISSN 2044-6055
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 2
Article Number e089225
Keywords Eczema, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Asthma
Public URL


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