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Using formal methods to model hybrid manufacturing processes

Nassehi, Aydin; Newman, Stephen; Dhokia, Vimal; Zhu, Zicheng; Asrai, Reza Imani


Aydin Nassehi

Stephen Newman

Vimal Dhokia

Zicheng Zhu


Hoda A. ElMaraghy


The on-going industrial trend towards high value sustainable manufacturing has led to the emergence of hybrid manufacturing processes and resources. This new generation of processes and resources combine the capabilities of a number of older technologies on a single platform. This increase in capability, however, comes at the cost of increasing complexity. Manufacturing processes, in general, can be categorised into subtractive processes, additive processes and transformative processes. While traditional machines supported a single type of these processes (e.g. a turn-mill machine that supports multiple metal removal - subtractive - processes), the new hybrid machines combine multiple types in one device. As a result, the current process and resource models have many shortcomings in representation of hybrid processes and hybrid machines. In this research formal methods are used to construct a new type of model for hybrid manufacturing processes. Formal methods are mathematically based techniques that allow clear and nonambiguous specification, development and, most importantly, verification of software and hardware systems. This paper utilises the ISO-standardised Z notation (named after Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory) to construct a formal model for hybrid manufacturing processes. The capabilities of the model in specification and verification of a hybrid device is then discussed through the use of a case study based on a prototype parallel kinematics hybrid manufacturing platform.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 4th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual production (CARV2011)
Start Date Oct 2, 2011
End Date Oct 5, 2011
Online Publication Date Sep 29, 2011
Publication Date Nov 9, 2011
Deposit Date Jul 5, 2024
Publisher Springer
Pages 52-56
Book Title Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability
ISBN 9783642238598
Public URL