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Exploration of the impact of the Penny Brohn UK Living Well Course on Cancer Survivors' employment and active community role status

Seers, Helen; Kasmimati, Konstantina; Jolliffe, Rachel; Griffiths, Michelle; Coulson, Joanna


Helen Seers

Konstantina Kasmimati

Rachel Jolliffe

Michelle Griffiths

Joanna Coulson


Background: Over 750,000 people of working age in the UK are estimated to live with or beyond cancer, with 63,000 wishing to, but not working. Penny Brohn UK is a leading cancer support charity, offering the Living Well Course (LWC) which supports those affected by cancer to live healthy and active lives, including returning to work after cancer. No existing research has examined the impact of LWC on cancer survivors' employment or volunteering status to date. This study provides an initial exploration of the issue.

Aims: This study aimed to add to existing patient activation and patient-reported quality of life outcome evaluations of LWC by providing a 12-month follow-up to explore the long-term impact of LWC upon employment and volunteering status.

Methods: A mixed-method longitudinal design was applied with data collected at baseline, 6 months and 12 month follow up. Data from 43 clients were collected at 12-month follow-up using the PAM-10 and a bespoke Long-Term Follow-Up Questionnaire.

Results: Logistic regression showed statistically significant improvements in volunteering and employment status, as well as diet, exercise, relationships, utilisation of self-help techniques and patient resulting from attending LWC. A smaller non-significant result was found between levels of patient activation and employment and volunteering status.

Conclusions: Attending a Penny Brohn UK LWC had a significant positive impact upon volunteering and employment status of those who attended. This paper adds support for the use of holistic patient-centred interventions for improving employment outcomes for people living with and beyond cancer.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference
Acceptance Date Mar 1, 2018
Online Publication Date Mar 1, 2018
Publication Date Mar 1, 2018
Deposit Date May 28, 2024
Print ISSN 1099-1611
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 27
Issue S2
Pages 3-8
Series Title Supplement: Abstracts of the British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, 8‐9 March 2018, Southampton, UK
Public URL