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Multiple innovations in characterizing piezoelectric materials

Fotouhi, Sakineh; Athanasiadis, Ignatios; Shvarts, Andrei; Kaczmarczyk, Lukasz; Liu, Bo; Pearce, Chris; Cochran, Sandy


Sakineh Fotouhi

Ignatios Athanasiadis

Andrei Shvarts

Lukasz Kaczmarczyk

Bo Liu

Chris Pearce

Sandy Cochran


Characterisation of piezoelectric materials is a key part. The IEEE standard is the only approach that can produce a full elastopiezodielectric matrix. However, it requires multiple samples. This often involves difficulties preparing the samples for all the isolated modes, resulting in incomplete properties and expensive procedures. An alternative approach is to use a single sample (SS), performing a combination of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) plus electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and using optimisation. SS characterisation needs high thickness of piezoelectric materials as well as equipment and measurement skills associated with RUS. Providing higher thickness of piezoelectric material is challenging and RUS measurement may be lacking in materials labs and technician skills.The present work simplifies the SS by introducing two different approaches including miniature size to avid bulky thicknesses, and single measurement to not need RUS. The only experimental measurement needed is EIS. A series of dynamic finite element analyses and optimization is performed using commercially available software, i.e. OnScale and Matlab. The material input parameters are changed to minimise the differences between numerical and experimental measurements. The first verification is investigated on PZT4 and PZT8. Then the method is done on an experimental measurement of a PZ54 piezoelectric material. While the results show reasonable convergency, a third approach is also introduced to use complex numbers in the piezoelectric constitutive equations for each of the properties to consider a comprehensive loss. Because the IEEE standard assumes piezoelectric material is lossless, and the SS uses only two electrical and damping parameters for the loss parameters. For this aim, a complex piezoelectric materials library is being developed on an opensource software, MoFEM. This will not only improve the accuracy of characterization, but also using an open-source software package, results in easy access and no cost on licenses.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name Electroceramics for End Users XII (ECEUXII)
Start Date Nov 5, 2023
End Date Nov 8, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 2, 2023
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