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The alchemical dream of man-made gemstones

Boons, Sofie



With crystal growing techniques having been around for many years, bespoke man-made crystals now drive innovations in a range of industries. This has however not fully translated to the jewellery industry, where innovations with man-made crystals have remained limited, and most are still produced to replicate mined crystals. In her PhD study Boons investigates the design implications, possibilities and limits of utilising man-made crystals in the development of innovative jewellery designs. In this presentation a brief contextual review traces our human fascination with gemstones back centuries, and covers the key developments in their "imitation." Furthermore, the terminology used to label man-made and mined crystals is interrogated and a need for the identification of alternative terminology considered. Finally, through the review of contemporary artefacts created in collaboration with Klein and Becker and Brevalor, where man-made crystals have been used, their ability to enable creativity is highlighted, and their further future creative possibilities explored.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name Intergem
Start Date Sep 30, 2023
Deposit Date Oct 12, 2023
Public URL

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