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Channel form, bed material and sediment sources of the Sprongdøla, Southern Norway: Evidence for a distinct periglacio-fluvial system

McEwen, Lindsey J.; Matthews, John A.


Lindsey McEwen
Professor in Environmental Management

John A. Matthews


A geomorphological and sedimentological case study is made of the Sprongdøla, a medium-sized river flowing in a predominantly bedrock channel in the mountains of southern Norway. Particular attention is given to bed material characteristics and potential sediment sources. Downstream patterns in clast size and shape, including sphericity and roundness, are poorly developed in the Sprongdøla. There is an apparent absence of down-stream fining and a large proportion of bedload in the lower channel remains in very angular and angular roundness categories. Covariance analysis of clast shape and roundness allows this to be attributed to the widespread input of coarse, angular rock particles derived from snow-avalanche activity on the valley sides and especially from frost-shattering of bedrock in the channel, which produces characteristically slabby clasts. The latter process is important in channel widening and in steepening the channel walls. Strictly fluvial processes, avalanche activity and frost-shattering are controlled in different ways by related annual environmental cycles. Their interaction in the context of the periglacial river channel produces a unique process-sediment-landform association that distinguishes alpine periglacio-fluvial systems from those associated with glacio-fluvial rivers and fluvial landscapes in the temperate zone.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 1998
Journal Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography
Print ISSN 0435-3676
Electronic ISSN 1468-0459
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 80
Issue 1
Pages 17-36
Keywords periglacio-fluvial system, alpine river, sediment sources,
bedload, bed material, downstream changes, bedrock channel,
avalanche activity, frost-shattering
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