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A bio-inspired multi-functional tendon-driven tactile sensor and application in obstacle avoidance using reinforcement learning

Lu, Zhenyu; Zhao, Zhou; Yue, Tianqi; Zhu, Xu; Wang, Ning

A bio-inspired multi-functional tendon-driven tactile sensor and application in obstacle avoidance using reinforcement learning Thumbnail


Zhenyu Lu

Zhou Zhao

Tianqi Yue

Xu Zhu


This paper presents a new bio-inspired tactile sensor that is multi-functional and has different sensitivity contact areas. The TacTop area is sensitive and is used for object classification when there is a direct contact. On the other hand, the TacSide area is less sensitive and is used to localize the side contact areas. By connecting tendons from the TacSide area to the TacTop area, the sensor is able to perform multiple detection functions using the same expression region. For the mixed contacting signals collected from the expression region with numerous markers and pins, we build a modified DenseNet121 network which specifically removes all fully connected layers and keeps the rest as a sub-network. The proposed model also contains a global average pooling layer with two branching networks to handle different functions and provide accurate spatial translation of the extracted features. The experimental results demonstrate a high prediction accuracy of 98% for object perception and localization. Furthermore, the new tactile sensor is utilized for obstacle avoidance, where action skills are extracted from human demonstrations and then an action dataset is generated for reinforcement learning to guide robots towards correct responses after contact detection. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, several simulations are performed in the MuJoCo environment.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 17, 2023
Online Publication Date Jul 20, 2023
Publication Date Apr 30, 2024
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 25, 2023
Journal IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
Print ISSN 2379-8920
Electronic ISSN 2379-8939
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 16
Issue 2
Pages 407 - 415
Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Software
Public URL


A Bio-inspired Multi-functional Tendon-driven Tactile Sensor And Application In Obstacle Avoidance Using Reinforcement Learning (855 Kb)


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