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The use of a minimal number of vapour sensors for the assessment of food quality

de Lacy Costello, Ben; Ewen, R.J; Gunson, H.E; Ratcliffe, Norman M.; Spencer-Phillips, Peter T.N.


R.J Ewen

H.E Gunson

Norman Ratcliffe
Professor in Materials & Sensors Science


S Clark

K Thompson

C Keevil

M Smith


The detection of harmful chemicals and microbial pathogens in food and water destined for consumers is of paramount importance the world over and it is vital that new techniques and discoveries are widely disseminated. Bringing together international experts in the field, Rapid Detection Assays for Food and Water presents original, state-of-the-art research and a review of the established methods in this key subject area. Covering the four main areas of water microbiology, water chemistry, food microbiology and food chemistry, the book discusses highly sensitive chemical and biological detection systems. There are applications ranging from sample preparation methods to end detection. Subject areas include biosensors, the detection of pesticide residues, GM components, various chemicals and toxins as well as protozoan parasites and viral/bacterial pathogens in a wide range of materials. This book will be welcomed by researchers and professionals in industry, academia and government agencies.
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Publication Date Oct 1, 2001
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 148-152
Book Title Rapid Detection Assays
ISBN 0854047794
Public URL
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