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Developing Industry 4.0 applications - A social construction of technology approach

Collinge, William H.; Osorio-Sandoval, Carlos A.; Manu, Patrick; Cheung, Clara


William H. Collinge

Carlos A. Osorio-Sandoval

Patrick Manu
Professor of Innovative Construction and Project Management

Clara Cheung


Shang Gao

Paulo Jorge Silva Bartolo

Valerie Francis

Anil Sawhney


The design and development of Industry 4.0 applications requires focused research work and close collaboration with the industry. Such an approach requires a balance between technical work and social interactions with industry partners: a social construction of technology (SCOT) perspective providing a lens for understanding how joint optimisation of the technical with the social dimension may be achieved. This chapter explores work conducted on the BIM risk library project: a successful three-year research collaboration to develop and launch a new BIM digital tool to assist designers with their health and safety work. Describing the activities undertaken, including ontology creation, industry workshops, software development and piloting of a digital tool, the technical and social interrelatedness is noted as critical to success. Application of concepts from the social construction of technology – technological frames, social groups, problems/solutions, closure/stabilisation – and wider context further clarify the evolution of the digital tool from conceptual idea to prize-winning application. The aim is to reinforce the importance of a social constructivist approach to technology development for the construction industry; the insights and reflections of the chapter, including the identification of SCOT optimisation triggers, are useful for Industry 4.0 technology developers and researchers active in the field.

Publication Date 2023
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2023
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Pages 42-51
Book Title Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry 4.0 Era
Chapter Number 4
ISBN 9781003213796
Public URL
Publisher URL