Helmut Daller
The development of a Turkish C-Test
Daller, Helmut; Treffers-Daller, Jeanine; �naldi, Aylin; Yildiz, Cemal
Jeanine Treffers-Daller
Aylin �naldi
Cemal Yildiz
James Coleman
R�diger Grotjahn
Ulrich Raatz
This chapter is a unique contribution towards the discussion on the applicability of the C-test principle to non-European languages, and quite a few publications have referred to this chapter in recent years. Daller investigates a variety of different C-test formats in Turkish with focus on the analysis of the reliability of different test formats. The co-authors contribute towards this chapter with their respective expertise in Turkish syntax and morphology. The overall findings of this chapter are that the "classical" C-test principle is preferable over alternative principles even in languages that are structurally different form European languages such as Turkish. This is a further argument that the C-test format is applicable in a large variety of structurally different languages. The fact that University Language Testing and the C-test is part of the "reading recommendations" of the Academic Unit (Languages) of the Open University UK is an indication of the impact of this (and other) chapters published in this book.
Publication Date | Jan 1, 2002 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Pages | 187-199 |
Book Title | University Language Testing and the C-Test |
ISBN | 3925453377 |
Keywords | Turkish, c-test |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/1082470 |
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