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A gilded cage? Nnamdi Azikiwe's Pan-Africanism as governor-general of Nigeria, 1960–63

Reeves, Mark

A gilded cage? Nnamdi Azikiwe's Pan-Africanism as governor-general of Nigeria, 1960–63 Thumbnail


Mark Reeves


Historians have wrongly ignored the period when Nnamdi Azikiwe served as governor-general of Nigeria, just after its independence (1960-63). Archival materials in Britain, the United States, and Azikiwe’s own papers in Nigeria reveal that he played a dynamic role in Nigeria’s new government, struggling against the constitutional limits of his chosen position, especially concerning Nigeria’s role in convening pan-African conferences that would lead to the creation of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. Despite being on the margins of official policymaking, Azikiwe used his reputation as Nigeria’s preeminent pan-Africanist since the 1930s to shape the role Nigeria would play in Africa’s new age of independence.

La période durant laquelle Nnamdi Azikiwe était gouverneur général du Nigéria juste après son indépendance (1960-63) a été ignorée, à tort, par les historiens. En effet, des documents d’archives en Grande-Bretagne, aux États-Unis et les propres documents d’Azikiwe au Nigéria révèlent qu’il a joué un rôle dynamique dans le nouveau gouvernement du Nigéria. Effectivement, Azikiwe a lutté contre les limites constitutionnelles de sa position de gouverneur, en particulier en ce qui concernait le rôle du Nigéria dans la convocation de conférences panafricaines qui conduiraient à la création de l’Organisation de l’unité africaine en 1963. Bien qu‘étant en marge de l‘élaboration des politiques officielles, Azikiwe a utilisé sa réputation de panafricaniste par excellence du Nigéria depuis les années 1930 pour façonner le rôle que le Nigéria jouerait dans le nouvel âge de l’indépendance de l’Afrique.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 19, 2019
Publication Date Mar 1, 2021
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2023
Publicly Available Date Feb 22, 2023
Journal Journal of West African History
Print ISSN 2327-1868
Electronic ISSN 2327-1876
Publisher Michigan State University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 1
Pages 1-26
Public URL
Publisher URL


A gilded cage? Nnamdi Azikiwe's Pan-Africanism as governor-general of Nigeria, 1960–63 (280 Kb)


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Copyright Statement
This is the author’s accepted manuscript of the article ‘Reeves, M. (2021). A gilded cage? Nnamdi Azikiwe's Pan-Africanism as governor-general of Nigeria, 1960–63. Journal of West African History, 7(1), 1-26. DOI:’

The final published version is available here:

Copyright © 2021 Michigan State University. All Rights Reserved

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