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Other plans: Artists' bookworks by Juan Cruz and Michael Dean

Morrissey, S


S Morrissey

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Jan 1, 2006
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
ISBN 0-9548288-3-6
Keywords artists' bookworks, Juan Cruz, Michael Dean
Public URL
Additional Information Additional Information : Other Plans was initiated in response to significant regeneration projects in NewcastleGateshead UK and as components in the bids for European City of Culture 2008. Curated by Morrissey, and funded by Arts Council England, the two artists' bookworks by Juan Cruz and Michael Dean provide subtle critiques of projects that commission artists to respond to particular geographical locations or contexts. Both bookworks can be seen to work as displaced critiques of the entangled relationships between commissioner and artist, place and artwork, in this increasingly prevalent type of commissioning. The books are accompanied by a critical essay by Morrissey that explores the evolution of the project and its critical ambitions. Both books were launched at the Serpentine Gallery, London, on 5 December 2006, with an introductory talk by Morrissey at an Education Private View for 'In the darkest hour there may be light', an exhibition of works from Damien Hirst's Murderme collection. At Baltic Gateshead on 22 February 2007, Morrissey led panel discussions on the 'Other Plans' project.

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