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Parental pain expectancy as a mediator between child expected and experienced procedure-related pain intensity during painful medical procedures

Franck, Linda; Hatira, Popi; Liossi, Christina; White, Paul


Linda Franck

Popi Hatira

Christina Liossi

Paul White
Professor in Applied Statistics


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective investigation was to evaluate child and parental expectancies as a predictor of pain perception in pediatric oncology patients undergoing painful medical procedures. METHODS: Forty-five children with leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma and their parents rated expected and experienced pain during lumbar punctures at baseline, during intervention (ie, cognitive-behavior therapy) administered by a therapist and when children were using cognitive-behavior therapy skills independently. RESULTS: Parental and child expectancies were significantly correlated. Parents consistently expected their children to experience more pain than children were expecting themselves. Parental expectancy was found to mediate the relationship between child expected and experienced pain during every phase of the study. DISCUSSION: It is concluded that parental expectancies are reliable predictors of pediatric procedure-related pain and possible useful targets for psychologic interventions to manage such pain. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jun 1, 2007
Journal Clinical Journal of Pain
Print ISSN 0749-8047
Electronic ISSN 1536-5409
Publisher Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 5
Pages 392-399
Keywords parent, pain expectancy, mediator, child, expected, experienced, procedure-related pain intensity, medical procedures
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