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Sensitive coverage saves lives

Jempson, Mike; Cookson, Rich


Mike Jempson

Rich Cookson


Mike Jempson, director of MediaWise was commissioned to undertake this research by the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) and the National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE). The study is part of the Shift programme to reduce stigma and discrimination, and the national suicide prevention strategy for England. The aim was to examine the efficacy of existing guidelines on suicide reporting for journalists, review recent media coverage and to make recommendations for action by media organisations and suicide prevention agencies to encourage sensitive and responsible coverage of suicidal behaviour. The MediaWise guidelines which resulted from this research have been commended as the most comprehensive available in an international comparative study by Jane Pirkis of the School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Australia, and are among the most downloaded items from the MediaWise website.

Report Type Project Report
Publication Date Jun 1, 2007
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords suicide, suicidal behaviour, media
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Corporate Creators : National Institute for Mental Health in England

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