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So near, so far

Jones, Ruth; Millar, Jane; Gardner, Deborah; Thoma, Andrea; Burnett, Clare


Ruth Jones

Jane Millar

Deborah Gardner

Andrea Thoma

Clare Burnett


The group exhibition brought together five artists who are interested in the common place and its perception through ‘self’. The group was established as That which is Near/Das was Nahe ist in 2004 and completed projects in Vienna and Brussels. So near, so far opened in the Kunstverein, Ebersberg, Germany in November 2007 and traveled to APT gallery January 2008.

The group explores the relationship, and the space between, distance and proximity. The focus on space, both physical and pictorial is in relation to the body.

Exhibition Performance Type Exhibition
Conference Name So Near, So Far
Start Date Jan 1, 2008
End Date Jan 1, 2008
Keywords identity, body, distance/proximity, space
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