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Special journal issue, ‘Competitiveness and Caribbean economies: emerging issues and future directions'

Clegg, Peter; Williams, Densil


Profile image of Peter Clegg

Peter Clegg
Dean and Head of School of Social Sciences

Densil Williams


This special issue of The Round Table focusing on competitiveness in Caribbean economies aims to provide the intellectual driving force from within the region to develop competitiveness policy frameworks that can strengthen the private sector, which is needed for the export-oriented growth that will raise income levels and opportunities in the region. The papers represent a variety of insights on competitiveness in Caribbean economies and contribute to the discourse on competitiveness in the region. They also provide recommendations on how policy makers can formulate competitiveness policy for the Caribbean. This special edition offers therefore a timely collection of papers on how improving competitiveness, at the regional, national, local, sectoral and management levels might support Commonwealth Caribbean states in overcoming their present tenuous economic position in the global economic system.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Jun 1, 2008
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Issue 396
Keywords Caribbean, competitiveness, private sector, export-led growth, globalisation
Public URL