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Outputs (4)

How do emergency department staff respond to behaviour that challenges displayed by people living with dementia? A mixed-methods study (2023)
Journal Article

Objectives: To investigate staff experiences of, and approaches to behaviour that challenges displayed by patients with dementia in the emergency department (ED). Behaviour that challenges is defined as ‘actions that detract from the well-being of in... Read More about How do emergency department staff respond to behaviour that challenges displayed by people living with dementia? A mixed-methods study.

What are the barriers and facilitators to effective health promotion in urgent and emergency care? A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article

Background: There are potential health gains such as reducing early deaths, years spent in ill-health and costs to society and the health and care system by encouraging NHS staff to use encounters with patients to help individuals significantly reduc... Read More about What are the barriers and facilitators to effective health promotion in urgent and emergency care? A systematic review.