Richard Wilson
Outputs (1085)
Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Cheveley: A man of honour (2005)
This fully annotated edition of the novel, first published in 1839, appears as Volume Five of Silver Fork Novels, 1826-1841. General Editor, Harriet Devine Jump.
Henry James and the abuse of the past (2005)
Spain, Portugal and the Great Powers, 1931-1941 (2005)
The émigré socialist revolutionary party and the russian peasantry during nep (2005)
Journal Article
This article examines the analysis of the Russian peasantry during NEP that was made by members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) in emigration. They saw evidence that peasant behaviour in this period justified narodnik beliefs. It also disc... Read More about The émigré socialist revolutionary party and the russian peasantry during nep.
Towards a polytheistic relationship to landscape: Issues for contemporary art (2005)
Journal Article
The paper examines the concerns of the art critic and environmentalist Rebecca Solnit with the myth of Eden in the book of Genesis, the assumptions of a Judaeo-Christian monotheism and its secular inheritance, as a means to introduce the need for a '... Read More about Towards a polytheistic relationship to landscape: Issues for contemporary art.