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Outputs (18)

Due process in dual process: Model-recovery simulations of decision-bound strategy analysis in category learning (2018)
Journal Article

Behavioral evidence for the COVIS dual-process model of category learning has been widely reported in over a hundred publications (Ashby \& Valentin, 2016). It is generally accepted that the validity of such evidence depends on the accurate identific... Read More about Due process in dual process: Model-recovery simulations of decision-bound strategy analysis in category learning.

Modelling category learning using a dual-system approach: A simulation of Shepard, Hovland and Jenkins (1961) by COVIS (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper examines the ability of a dual-system, formal model of categorization COVIS (Ashby, Paul \& Maddox, 2011) to predict the learning performance of participants on the six category structures described in Shepard, Hovland and Jenkin?s (1961)... Read More about Modelling category learning using a dual-system approach: A simulation of Shepard, Hovland and Jenkins (1961) by COVIS.

Feedback can be superior to observational training for both rule-based and information-integration category structures (2015)
Journal Article

The effects of two different types of training on rule-based and information-integration category learning were investigated in two experiments. In observational training, a category label is presented, followed by an example of that category and the... Read More about Feedback can be superior to observational training for both rule-based and information-integration category structures.