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Outputs (9)

The STEM pipeline: Do media and objectified body consciousness create an early exit for middle school girls? (2020)
Journal Article

Girls and women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Research has investigated various explanatory factors (e.g., lack of role models, sexism) in these patterns. However, to date, the roles of media... Read More about The STEM pipeline: Do media and objectified body consciousness create an early exit for middle school girls?.

Impact of home food production on nutritional blindness, stunting, wasting, underweight and mortality in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials (2020)
Journal Article

Vitamin A deficiency is highly prevalent and remains the major cause of nutritional blindness in children in low-and middle-income countries, despite supplementation programmes. Xeropthalmia (severe drying and thickening of the conjunctiva) is caused... Read More about Impact of home food production on nutritional blindness, stunting, wasting, underweight and mortality in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials.

Revisiting the remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment: An individual patient meta-analysis including 5792 patients (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Remission nowadays is the guiding target of management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, no gold standard definition of remission exists and the inclusion of patient global assessment (PGA) in remis... Read More about Revisiting the remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis by excluding patient global assessment: An individual patient meta-analysis including 5792 patients.

Dissemination and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis across Europe (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) were published in 2015.1 This is the first systematic dissemination and implementation study, reporting qualitative data identifying barriers to imple... Read More about Dissemination and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis across Europe.

The potential off-axis performance and accuracy of the PowerRef 3 for measurements in nystagmus (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Accommodation is vital to produce a clear, focussed image for close work. In nystagmus, a continuous conjugate oscillation of the eyes, studies on accommodation are lacking. Ong et al. (1993) demonstrated normal static accommodation, apart from incre... Read More about The potential off-axis performance and accuracy of the PowerRef 3 for measurements in nystagmus.

Revision and validation of the German version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) with Mokken scale analysis (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the validation study, German-speaking SSc patients included in the Swiss MANagement Of Systemic Sclerosis (MANOSS) cross-sectional study completed the revised (polytomous) SScQoL. Mokken model was used to test the construct valid... Read More about Revision and validation of the German version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) with Mokken scale analysis.

AB1321-HPR Developing a self-management intervention to manage joint hypermobility syndrome and ehlers-danlos syndrome hypermobility type: An analysis informed by behaviour change theory (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type (EDS-HT) are heritable disorders of connective tissue that can cause joint instability and pain and are associated with... Read More about AB1321-HPR Developing a self-management intervention to manage joint hypermobility syndrome and ehlers-danlos syndrome hypermobility type: An analysis informed by behaviour change theory.