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Outputs (2)

Improving patients’ experiences of diagnosis and treatment of vertebral fracture: Co-production of knowledge sharing resources (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Osteoporosis involves changes to bones that makes them prone to fracture. The most common osteoporotic fracture is vertebral, in which one or more spinal vertebrae collapse. People with vertebral fracture are at high risk of further fract... Read More about Improving patients’ experiences of diagnosis and treatment of vertebral fracture: Co-production of knowledge sharing resources.

Dissemination and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis across Europe (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) were published in 2015.1 This is the first systematic dissemination and implementation study, reporting qualitative data identifying barriers to imple... Read More about Dissemination and assessing implementation of the EULAR recommendations for patient education for people with inflammatory arthritis across Europe.