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Outputs (19)

Challenges and enablers to implementation of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme in primary care: A qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) was set up to recruit 26 000 additional staff into general practice by 2024, with the aim of increasing patient access to appointments. Despite the potential benefits of integrating ARRS pr... Read More about Challenges and enablers to implementation of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme in primary care: A qualitative study.

Optimising the implementation of evidence-based osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: Development of a Knowledge Mobilisation Toolkit (2024)
Journal Article

Objective: Implementing clinical guidelines for osteoarthritis (OA) in primary care is complex. Whilst international guidelines detail what best practice for OA looks like, little is known about how this is best implemented. Limited resources are ava... Read More about Optimising the implementation of evidence-based osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: Development of a Knowledge Mobilisation Toolkit.

From sceptic to believer: Acceptability of cognitive muscular therapy TM, a new intervention for knee osteoarthritis (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Cognitive Muscular TherapyTM (CMT) is an integrated behavioural intervention developed for knee osteoarthritis. CMT teaches patients to reconceptualise the condition, integrates muscle biofeedback and aims to reduce muscle overactivity, b... Read More about From sceptic to believer: Acceptability of cognitive muscular therapy TM, a new intervention for knee osteoarthritis.

Systematic co-development and testing of a digital behaviour change intervention for osteoarthritis and physical activity: Theoretical mapping and acceptability study (2023)
Journal Article

Objective: Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 8.75 million people in the UK. Physical activity (PA) is recommended as a core treatment, yet nearly half of people with OA are inactive. Accessible and user-friendly interventions are needed to motivate people... Read More about Systematic co-development and testing of a digital behaviour change intervention for osteoarthritis and physical activity: Theoretical mapping and acceptability study.

Adaptation and implementation of a shared decision-making tool from one health context to another: Partnership approach using mixed methods (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of pain and disability. Knee osteoarthritis accounts for nearly four-fifths of the burden of osteoarthritis internationally, and 10% of adults in the United Kingdom have the condition. Shared decision-mak... Read More about Adaptation and implementation of a shared decision-making tool from one health context to another: Partnership approach using mixed methods.

AB1321-HPR Developing a self-management intervention to manage joint hypermobility syndrome and ehlers-danlos syndrome hypermobility type: An analysis informed by behaviour change theory (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type (EDS-HT) are heritable disorders of connective tissue that can cause joint instability and pain and are associated with... Read More about AB1321-HPR Developing a self-management intervention to manage joint hypermobility syndrome and ehlers-danlos syndrome hypermobility type: An analysis informed by behaviour change theory.