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Outputs (10)

‘Shooting in the dark’: Implications of the research–practice gap for enhancing research use in adult social care (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Despite calls for greater use of research and an appetite to do so within adult social care, a gap persists between research and practice. Aims and objectives: To explore views of adult social care staff about research and its application... Read More about ‘Shooting in the dark’: Implications of the research–practice gap for enhancing research use in adult social care.

Social connectedness in a locked-down world: A phenomenological study of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Whilst qualitative research has previously been conducted on older people’s personal resilience and wellbeing during COVID-19, there are fewer empirical studies on the impact it had on social connectedness for this age group. In this pape... Read More about Social connectedness in a locked-down world: A phenomenological study of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the context of the current cost of living crisis, many activists are working within their communities to promote access to affordable, healthy, and sustainable food. Yet there are very few opportunities share experiences, ideas and resources betwe... Read More about Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues.