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Decreasing ‘temperature spike to needle time’ for first dose empiric antibiotics to within 60 minutes within a haematology inpatient setting (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Title: Quality Improvement Project to decrease the ‘temperature spike to needle time’ for first dose empiric antibiotics to within 60 minutes within a haematology inpatient setting.

Background: Neutropenic sepsis following systemic anti-cancer the... Read More about Decreasing ‘temperature spike to needle time’ for first dose empiric antibiotics to within 60 minutes within a haematology inpatient setting.

Healthcare professionals' knowledge, understanding and confidence to manage chronic pain after cancer treatment: A UK survey (2024)
Journal Article

Introduction: Healthcare professionals are vital in preparing people living with and beyond cancer about the risks of chronic pain after cancer treatment. To do so, healthcare professionals need to be knowledgeable and confident about chronic pain af... Read More about Healthcare professionals' knowledge, understanding and confidence to manage chronic pain after cancer treatment: A UK survey.