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Outputs (3)

Evaluation of the thyroid and hypothyroid function after postoperative radiation therapy among breast cancer patients (2024)
Journal Article

The current advances in radiotherapy (RT) have improved the outcome of breast cancer (BC) patients. Despite its therapeutic benefits, the iatrogenic toxicities of RT and its impact on BC survivors are still debated, and further evaluations should be... Read More about Evaluation of the thyroid and hypothyroid function after postoperative radiation therapy among breast cancer patients.

Economic evaluation of dialysis and comprehensive conservative care for chronic kidney disease using the ICECAP-O and EQ-5D-5L; a comparison of evaluation instruments (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients often require long-term care, and while Hemodialysis (HD) is the standard treatment, Comprehensive Conservative Care (CCC) is gaining popularity as an alternative. Economic evaluations comparing their... Read More about Economic evaluation of dialysis and comprehensive conservative care for chronic kidney disease using the ICECAP-O and EQ-5D-5L; a comparison of evaluation instruments.