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Outputs (4)

Supporting people with musculoskeletal conditions from underserved communities in the United Kingdom to engage with physical activity: A realist synthesis and Q-methodology study (2024)
Journal Article

In the United Kingdom, 20 million individuals suffer from a musculoskeletal condition, for which physical activity (PA) is a core treatment. Minority ethnic communities experience a disproportionate impact, experiencing higher levels of pain and enga... Read More about Supporting people with musculoskeletal conditions from underserved communities in the United Kingdom to engage with physical activity: A realist synthesis and Q-methodology study.

“It means almost forgetting that you've got a disease”: An OMERACT study to define independence in the context of rheumatoid arthritis remission from the patient perspective (2024)
Journal Article

Our previous work identified pain, fatigue, and independence as missing from the ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis (RA) remission criteria from the patient perspective. Validated measures exist for pain and fatigue, but not for independence. As a... Read More about “It means almost forgetting that you've got a disease”: An OMERACT study to define independence in the context of rheumatoid arthritis remission from the patient perspective.