Slavery, emancipation and mixed race
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (10)
Film Premier and Q&A: Many Rivers to Cross (2013) (2013)
Digital Artefact
'Many Rivers to Cross' is a Heritage Lottery funded film. It tells the story, humorous and emotional in parts, of nine people who migrated to the UK from the Caribbean in the 1950's and 1960's. They travelled with nothing but their suitcases and a fi... Read More about Film Premier and Q&A: Many Rivers to Cross (2013).
Zombies, Pride and Prejudice and vampires: Brand and genre (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Domestic violence (2013)
Digital Artefact
Domestic Abuse. With Nigella Lawson in the News. The reporting of Domestic Violence in the East Midlands is increasing. Syncopate TV on Sunday Politics discusses the issues.
Rescued from oblivion: Michael Klinger, Jewish Independent Producer (2013)
Journal Article
This article gives a four-page overview of the career and significance of the British Jewish producer Michael Klinger. It argues for his importance and the varied and sometimes challenging nature of the films he produced, why his career took the shap... Read More about Rescued from oblivion: Michael Klinger, Jewish Independent Producer.
Working age dementia (2013)
Digital Artefact
Working Age Dementia is increasing. Two young couples share their experience of being diagnosed with dementia with Syncopate TV on BBC Inside Out.
Visual literacy and photographic authorship (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
A Conference paper delivered at the Association of Photography in Higher Education Conference in 2013 at the University of Derby. The paper examines the claims of Art Directors working with photography and examines the realtionships between personal... Read More about Visual literacy and photographic authorship.
Benefit changes Universal Credit (2013)
Digital Artefact
Universal Credit, the biggest shake up to the welfare system. Tens of thousands of people will be affected by the changes. Syncopate Media on Sunday Politics looks at what two councils are doing.
Bedroom tax (2013)
Digital Artefact
If you live in a property with more bedrooms than you use and you're on housing benefit you could face a big drop in your benefit. Syncopate Media on Sunday Politics looks at the rules.
Infinite Sky (2013)
An award-winning Young Adult novel about a conflict between a settled family and the Irish Travellers that try to make a home in their paddock.